
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Nerdom and Other Nonsense Anime Podcast #072 - Rascal Chats with Bathing Waifus

Leo, Bcom and Kat are back this week to discuss week 10 of the Fall 2018 anime season. We kick it off with some nonsense, like Bcom watching a famous Japanese movie from 1983 about husky sled dogs surviving the treacherous landscape of Antarctica. Kat had to survive holiday parties, and a dairy awkward moment with her friend, and Leo had to survive his deepest dental appointment yet. We move on to anime, and Kat channels her inner Gordon Ramsay and lambasts Asuka for trying to make a chikuwa cake in The Girl in Twilight. We debate crushed vs. mashed potatoes in Golden Kamuy and Bcom can’t keep straight whether Anji Toni is blind or deaf. Leo laments Kana’s lost waifu status with her lax cooking skills, and also theorizes about the extraordinarily high number of people fainting in Japanese anime this season. In the latest episode of Rascal Sits While Girls Bathe, we argue about the necessity of the baller idol performance in the episode, and also figure out the perfect ending for the show. Banana Fish continues to use rape as a narrative crutch, while simultaneously getting incredibly cheesy with its drama. We’re all incensed that Yuugiri seems to have been snubbed in getting a backstory arc in Zombie Land Saga, in favor a frankly pretty boring setup episode for Sakura’s arc. Kat’s fury at a new character named Pantaloons in Karakuri Circus leads Bcom to a discovery of the Italian theatrical roots for the puppets’ naming scheme. We wrap up with Bloom Into You where a friend from Yuu’s past shows us how much Yuu’s outlook on life has changed since meeting Touko.

Recorded December 20, 2018.


1:20 - Nonsense (Antarctica (Nankyoku Monogatari), holiday parties and Kat milking her friend, Leo’s deep dental roots)
10:35 - The Girl in Twilight (Ep. 10)
25:40 - Golden Kamuy 2nd Season (Ep. 22)
38:26 - Run With the Wind (Ep. 10)
52:15 - Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (Ep. 10)
1:13:57 - Commercial Break
1:17:18 - Banana Fish (Ep. 22)
1:30:32 - Zombie Land Saga (Ep. 10)
1:41:23 - Karakuri Circus (Ep. 10)
2:03:53 - Bloom Into You (Ep. 10)

Also, check out the new podcast network we have joined, Anime Radicals. Find out more at

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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Nerdom and Other Nonsense Anime Podcast #071 - Guy is Pronounced Like Karakuri

Kat, Leo and Bcom are back this week to discuss week 9 of the Fall 2018 anime season. We start off with a nonsense section, in which we talked a lot about various video games we’re playing. Even Kat is playing games now! This week, the girls in twilight saw the truth of Seriouska’s world, and we got a not-so-unexpected reveal of the true identity of The King of Twilight. Kat observes that Golden Kamuy is now pandering to its yaoi fanbase, and the dick jokes have returned in the form of mushroom sight gags. Kat breaks down the latest episode of “As the Wind Turns,” which brought Leo to tears! Also, Kat finds yet another way to compare an anime to Naruto, calling Kakeru this show’s Sasuke. Kat is furious that the typical blonde-ass foreigner has been introduced to the Rascal’s ever-growing harem, but Bcom and Leo just can’t wait for him to have sex with his girlfriend in her sister’s body. Leo also feels a better harem show would focus on Mai’s father’s apparent golden idol touch. Banana Fish has gotten so convoluted that we can’t keep track of all the Harlem Chickens and Killer Bees, and just want it all to make sense. Leo loses his mind over his new Zombie Land waifu, Saki’s delinquent friend Reiko, as he loves a well-tamed shrew. All you need to know about Karakuri Circus is that it’s pronounced GUY, not GUY. Since that’s cleared up, we move onto the episode of Bloom Into You where it gets dangerously close to just being the next Citrus.

Recorded December 13, 2018.


2:09 - Nonsense (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Destiny 2: Black Armory/Dawning events, corporate donation drives, Absolver)
10:37 - The Girl in Twilight (Ep. 9)
21:20 - Golden Kamuy 2nd Season (Ep. 21)
37:09 - Run With the Wind (Ep. 9)
51:37 - Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (Ep. 9)
1:10:19 - Commercial Break
1:14:28 - Banana Fish (Ep. 21)
1:29:46 - Zombie Land Saga (Ep. 9)
1:48:52 - Karakuri Circus (Ep. 9)
2:01:45 - Bloom Into You (Ep. 9)

Also, check out the new podcast network we have joined, Anime Radicals. Find out more at

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Monday, December 17, 2018

Anime Radicals Minisode

Bcom, Kat, and Leo drop some knowledge on the newly created Anime Radicals podcast network, which Nerdom and Other Nonsense has joined. Tune in for details on what this means for new podcast episodes coming soon! Find more information at the following links below!

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Twitter: @animeradicals

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Nerdom and Other Nonsense Anime Podcast #070 - The Kat in Twilight

Bcom, Kat, and Leo are back to cover week 8 of the Fall 2018 anime season! This episode Kat’s voice has been transformed by the power of medical vape and has entered the world of Twilight. Meanwhile, the actual Girls in Twilight get up to some very graceful upskirts and renaming themselves after Apple personal assistants. Meanwhile, Golden Kamuy goes full “bara” in a sea otter-fueled orgy worthy of the craziest shenanigans this show has seen. Prince acquires a treadmill to read manga while he runs in Run With the Wind, while Haiji continues to try to murder everyone with increasingly ridiculous running schedules. Sakuta has to find a way to solve two sides of the same girl’s emotional issues in this episode of Bunny Girl Senpai. Banana Fish has some issues with insensitive racial stereotyping, in an otherwise action-heavy episode. Zombie Land Saga gifts us with a fantastic episode, which proves once again that studio Mappa currently represents a shining beacon for good LGBT representation in an industry that typically struggles to depict such characters. Karakuri Circus goes full metal puppet this episode, and stretches the bounds of our disbelief in ways that start to worry us, as well as airport security everywhere. Finally, Leo explains the flower imagery of Bloom Into You’s latest episode with an explanation of the meaning of the various colors of hydrangeas in Japanese culture.

Recorded December 6, 2018.


1:02 - Nonsense (Motley Crue’s The Dirt, Kat’s vape adventure, Mirai theater experience)
7:30 - The Girl in Twilight (Ep. 8)
17:26 - Golden Kamuy 2nd Season (Ep. 20)
35:09 - Run With the Wind (Ep. 8)
46:31 - Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (Ep. 8)
1:02:12 - Commercial Break
1:06:20 - Banana Fish (Ep. 20)
1:17:20 - Zombie Land Saga (Ep. 8)
1:31:16 - Karakuri Circus (Ep. 8)
1:40:26 - Bloom Into You (Ep. 8)

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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Nerdom and Other Nonsense Anime Podcast #069 - Bloom Into Evanescence

Leo, Bcom, and Kat are back to cover week 7 of the Fall 2018 anime season! This episode Kat was a bit under the weather, but she powered through it to deliver your anime fix! We talked about the flaws of computer CD slot design and sneaky marketing tricks in the latest episode of The Girl in Twilight. Golden Kamuy gave us beary bad nightmares and fleshed out another of its side-characters with Ogata’s incredible backstory, which led us into a discussion of the psychology of psychopaths. We warned the listeners about the perils of listening to Evanescence as pre-game hype music in our section on Run With the Wind, where they finally run their first track meet, and Leo and Kat break down the mistakes in Kakeru’s race strategy. Sakuta’s expectations of our favorite Bunny Girl started to rub Kat the wrong way, and the explanations of the show’s physics phenomena are becoming even more ridiculous. Ash got under Dino’s skin in one of Banana Fish’s most explicit monologues to date. The decision to modernize the show, compared to the manga, has also led to some very awkward political commentary. Zombie Land Saga saved a bad C.G.I. dance performance with a shockingly funny twist. Karakuri Circus continued to set the bar for this season’s best animation with some excellent action scenes, but the characters began to get a bit too emo and overpowered for our taste. Finally, we picked up with the newest addition to our lineup, Bloom Into You, which kicked off the second half of its season by exploring Sayaka’s feelings, and introducing a new couple that can help guide her through the emotional turmoil she’s been enduring, even though their own relationship isn’t without its troubles. Leo thought it needed more karate chops.

Recorded November 29, 2018.


1:23 - Nonsense (Naruto, Red Dead Redemption 2, Destiny 2, CPA exams)
5:55 - The Girl in Twilight (Ep. 7)
23:21 - Golden Kamuy 2nd Season (Ep. 19)
38:00 - Run With the Wind (Ep. 7)
54:52 - Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (Ep. 7)
1:15:16 - Commercial Break
1:18:12 - Banana Fish (Ep. 19)
1:33:51 - Zombie Land Saga (Ep. 7)
1:49:23 - Karakuri Circus (Ep. 7)
2:06:11 - Bloom Into You (Ep. 7)

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